Welcome/ Welkom!

Ons is ‘n dinamiese praktyk wat spesialiseer in Afrikaans en Engelse spraak- en taal terapie by ons hoof praktyk en verskeie skole en kleuterskole in Centurion en Pretoria.

Speaktacular is a dynamic speech and language therapy practice that provides speech and language therapy services at our main practice in Lyttelton Manor and at schools, pre-schools, special needs schools and at our satellite practices in Centurion, Midstream and Pretoria. The practice was established in 1996. We provide therapy in Afrikaans and English.

Ons help graag enige persoon wat ‘n behoefte het tot verbeterde spraak en kommunikasie. Ons spesialieer in die ondersteuning van kinders vanaf geboorte tot laerskool asook jong volwassenes met spesiale behoeftes.

It is our mission to help people to improve their communication skills. We support children from birth, pre-school, primary school and young adults with special needs.